2 Week Meal Plan For A Large Family

Posted May 10, 2024 by Prairie Wife -

Many people have asked me to share a two-week meal plan for a large family, and I apologize for taking so long to write this post!

The truth is, I don’t really “meal plan”. It’s more of an “I’ve been cooking for 5 kids for so long that now I just know what to make from what I have on hand.”

This doesn’t sound nearly as wonderful as a “meal plan,” but it’s the truth, lol.

I DO have this post about how I vaguely plan out what we eat based on our activities for the week, so feel free to check that out.

So…if I don’t actually “meal plan,” what is this post all about?

It’s a list of links for you to use for the next two weeks of cooking.

It’s a one-stop spot to answer the question, “What’s for dinner?”

After you look at this post and head to the grocery store to buy what you need, you can pull this article up, click on the next meal you’re cooking, and get a fabulous dinner on the table with less than an hour of work.

I’ve put in some PREP NOTES to help you schedule your time out, and feel free to move the meals around if your busy days don’t align with what I mapped out.

I am not going to type up a grocery list for you for the two weeks.

That would take me a lot of time, and frankly, I don’t want to spend an hour and a half doing that for you…when I know you can handle it yourself.

Grab a pencil and paper, click on each recipe, and write down the ingredients you don’t already have. Then, get ready to enjoy two weeks of not having to think about what you’re making for dinner.

PREP TIP: Sunday is generally a more relaxing day for families, so it’s a great night to make a meal that the whole family loves. I also like picking recipes so the entire family can help me cook for Sunday nights.

SUNDAY: Cheeseburger Pizza

MONDAY: Sheet Pan Ginger Chicken

TUESDAY:  Cheesy Tater Tot Casserole

PREP TIP: If you have time, bake enough chicken breasts for two meals. You can shred them and use them for Wednesday’s and Friday’s recipes, too. Check out this easy way to shred chicken with your mixer.

WEDNESDAY: Southwest Chicken Salad

THURSDAY: Leftovers 🙂 or a go-to meal like Tacos or Spaghetti

FRIDAY: Chicken Pot Pie

PREP TIP: Remember, you can always make all of our crock pot soup recipes on your stove! Just set aside an hour or so to simmer the soup until the ingredients are cooked all the way through.

SATURDAY: One Pot Minestrone Soup

SUNDAY: “Make It Again Mom” Cheesy Ranch Chicken

MONDAY: One Pot Mac N’ Cheese

PREP TIP: Brown two meals’ worth of ground meat so you can use it over the next few days.

TUESDAY: Stuffed Pepper Casserole

WEDNESDAY: Creamy Chicken and Broccoli Pasta

THURSDAY: Leftovers or a go-to meal like Tacos or Spaghetti

FRIDAY: Oven Baked Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup

SATURDAY: “Work With What You’ve Got” Egg Rolls

At some point during this time, you may have a craving for a sweet treat, so below are a few of my favorite easy-to-bake and tasty desserts!

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever

Grandma Connie’s 3 Ingredient Cherry Chocolate Dump Cake

8 Minute Banana Bread


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