Here is Our Guarantee to You and Our Mission Statement…
We want to encourage others to live a life of grit and grace. We offer support through humorous, honest, and heartfelt blog posts about our lives. We use social media and speaking events to connect in an authentic way that gives anyone and everyone the tools they need to create a life they love.
- A desire to live a life of grit and grace and a longing to create a life you love is all you need to be a part of our community here at PrairieWifeInHeels.com
- We promise that we will present our ideas and opinions in a positive light. We teach our kids, “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all,” and we think we should try to practice what we preach.
- We appreciate the fact that you are spending your valuable time exploring our site, and we will try to make you happy you visited. If you are interested in hard-core debates, politics, religion, “hard news,” and avant-garde fashion, this isn’t the place for you. And we’re comfortable with that fact.
- When we review a product or site, we will tell you how we learned about it and, honestly, what we discovered. If we’ve been given a product to review (at no cost to us), we will let you know, and we will still give an honest opinion to you, our readers. We WILL NOT put up negative reviews. After all, why should you waste your time reading how much we dislike something?
- We give credit where credit is due, and we expect you to do the same. Feel free to Pin from our site and share links, but let people know it came from us.
- Comments are moderated, but we want your honest feedback and will post the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, we won’t allow personal attacks or vulgar language.
- While we review the site and social media daily, Prairie Wives are a busy bunch, so please be patient if it takes us a bit to respond.
Questions or concerns about our Mission Statment and Guarantee?
Contact us at prairiewifeinheels@hotmail.com
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