Resolution Reboot
Posted June 18, 2014 by Prairie Wife - 3 comments
Sad as it is to say, New Years Eve was over sixth months ago…that’s right…half a year has flown by! Texas Two Steppin’ mentioned that now would be the perfect time for us to take a moment to reflect on our resolutions that we put in writing for you our readers.
Prairie Wife: As I looked over my resolutions I was actually pretty pleased to see that I have actually kept up on each and every one of them!
1. Going yell free is always a challenge around here, with four kids the noise level is always pretty high and sometime I feel like I need to yell just to be heard! I’ve really been taking time to stop what I’m doing and talk to the kids when it’s time to discipline them, rather than snap and yell. I’ve seen a difference in me and more importantly, the Cowkids are yelling at each other a lot less. Take a moment to read (or read again) this post by TallGirlJ and get on the yell free bandwagon with us!
2. I would say that I have been doing pretty well on dressing up a little more. After going to France I really became inspired to take a little extra time to let my clothes reflect my mood, and after doing a closet purge I’ve found it a lot less time consuming to pick out outfits. I’m not saying I’ve been completely yoga pants in public free…but I’m making progress!
3. I have totally been on board with this resolution, trying new trends with both makeup and clothing has become a little hobby of mine. After doing my interview with Professional Makeup Artist Kendra Richards, and hearing her definition of what makes a woman beautiful, I’ve become even more confident in being me! Stay tuned for a Summer 2014 Trends Do or Don’t list from Texas Two Steppin’ and I soon. There will be a few things on the list that I have tried out!
4. Despite there being a lack of non-fiction book reviews here, I have been keeping up my end of the bargain (or should I say resolution). It’s just that I haven’t enjoyed any of them enough to recommend them to you! I’m open to some suggestions if you know of a great non-fiction book I should read, help!
5. We did this one in February, and I am so pleased that my big sis and I got to spend some face to face time together. We made some great plans for the blog, and I hope you’ve been enjoying it. Let us know if there is anything you’d like to see more or less of!
Did you make any resolutions, and how have you been doing with them?
Texas Two Steppin’: I hadn’t really focused on my resolutions like I initially planned (surprise, surprise). Well, that’s one of the benefits of having a blog–y’all keep me honest and focused on moving forward.
1. This year’s hot hue is Radiant Orchid, and while I haven’t purchased a new piece, I did find a tank top in this color hanging in my closet. I probably bought it eight years ago and hadn’t thought about it lately because a cami with lace trim isn’t the most modern look. But, the other day I challenged myself to incorporate the tank into a casual Friday look. I really liked the final result with an army green and gray striped cardigan, Loft cuffed gray jeans, Steve Madden army green wedges and silver accessories. Now that I’m working on this post, I think I’m going to find another outfit with the tank. Stay tuned…
2. I think the picture says it all; I consider this resolution kept. I have been trying out so many cleansing options to go with the best styling product for my thin, color treated, super straight, nearly shoulder length hair. I really have learned a lot. For example, all these years I have been committed to volumizing shampoos and conditioners, but I really should have been focused on straightening ones. Once I made this discovery, the frizzy halo I had been fighting for years disappeared. While I am committed to finishing this experiment, I think I have found a winner. My BFF told me about the Agave system, and because Sephora had a trial size I purchased it right away. I have greasy, oily hair to go with my greasy, oily skin, so I was really nervous about using the oil treatment that is dispensed with a dropper. Lo and behold, I absolutely love the texture and smell of the products, and when it is combined with my Living Proof Perfect Hair Day magic potion, I have truly silky, manageable hair.
3. My pledges related to flossing, wearing sunscreen, washing my face daily and cleaning my makeup brushes has been kept regularly. I think I am proudest of the flossing because I got a wonderful report from my dentist at my spring checkup. My secret? Whenever I am in the car for more than 15 minutes I grab one of these handy flossers. Better gums and better breath; what’s not to like?
4. I have started using Prairie Wife’s daily detox recipe and drinking a lot more water than in the past. Since our small town has started a farmer’s market (one vendor even delivers to our home!) I have also started eating a large salad for lunch. I love the fresh greens, and by adding tomatoes, avocado, hard boiled egg and grilled shrimp I’ve even gotten The Texan eating his daily serving of veggies.
5. Last but not least was the visit with Prairie Wife, The Cowboy and all the Cowkids. We wrote a lot of posts and had a great business meeting, I just wish there was enough time to get everything done. We had such a wonderful time in Wyoming, and we can’t wait to host them all in Texas for the Summer of 2015!
Well, I guess I didn’t do as bad as I thought, but I’d still love to hear what tricks you use to stick to your plans and personal goals.
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3 thoughts on "Resolution Reboot"
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I love writing goals and looking at them often. I also write goals for my personal “new year” around my birthday, and on a smaller level for the month and week. It’s a little obsessive, but it really works and I love to write my wish lists. Good job on keeping up with your goals, sisters!
Thx! Maybe we should talk to you before we write next years
OK readers, I just found the way to keep my resolution about Radiant Orchid in the most unexpected of places–Sephora! Do you think it’s a do or don’t?