Behind The Blog: Creating Consistent Content

Posted January 6, 2023 by Prairie Wife -

Creating consistent content is the number one stumbling block for most bloggers.

For the purposes of this post, I am NOT talking about creating social media content.

Instead, I am talking about creating consistent content on your actual blog, written blog posts (or articles) that average 500 words or more.

It’s common to start blogging with dozens of ideas of what you want to share with your readers, only to fizzle out a few months later.

There are generally several things that contribute to the “blog fizzle” (read more about what to do BEFORE you start blogging here), and I’ve found that the number one way to prevent it is to make a content plan.

While this looks different for everyone, I thought I would share what I do with you. With over nine years of consistent blogging, you bet I have some experience with what does and doesn’t work.

My number one tip?


When I started, I posted four times a week. At that time, my older sister and a few good friends helped by posting a few times a month, but most of the writing work generally fell to me. This was before social media was a necessary part of blogging, but still, four posts a week is a ton.

When starting your blog, I recommend writing only one or two weekly posts.

It may feel painful to keep so many great ideas to yourself. But I promise it’s better to do a little bit and keep them wanting more than to flood your readers and followers with dozens of posts they don’t have time to read, only to run dry a month or two later!


Every Tuesday and Friday, my readers can expect new written content on the blog.

Yes, there are weeks when I post an extra post or when due to vacation or other unforeseen events, I don’t post on the exact day, but generally, I post on the same days every week.

I picked the days based on my schedule, not some secret formula or when my readers are most active.

Mondays are my most productive days, so I have no problem creating content to go up the next day. Having the following post go up Friday allows me several days to write that post and gives me some breathing room if I have a busy week. Weekends around here are set aside for family, so it isn’t practical to expect I’ll have time to post content on Saturday or Sunday.


If you don’t treat blogging like a business, it won’t become one. While you may not have started blogging with plans to make money from your writing, you never know what will happen…

Even if you’re only blogging as a hobby or a way to put your thoughts down, it’s vital that you set aside time in your week and day that is specifically for writing.

An essential part of this is holding yourself accountable. If you set aside time to write, don’t skip it to take a nap or meet a friend for coffee. Stay true to your commitment and let others around you know to take this commitment seriously too.


Get a simple week-by-week planner to map your content one month at a time.

I write my post titles (or the topic if I don’t have a title) on the day they will be posted and put a check by them or cross them out when they are written. This helps a lot when I have an open day and write more than one post at a time. If you’re having a wonderfully creative moment, you can go ahead and map out more than one month or jump forward and write down seasonal post ideas.

Because my blog is now a brand and business, I also use the space to write down appointments and reminders to respond to emails, create video content around the topic, and other blog must-dos. I love that it’s easy to add post-it notes to this type of planner.


Yes, scheduling your posts is important and helps you to escape writer’s block, but don’t worry if you are inspired by something happening around you and feel the need to change your plan!

Because your blog is likely related to you and your life, it’s perfectly okay to move a post to another time if you feel like you’d prefer to cover a different topic.

Often my most personal posts are not planned, and not surprisingly, these tend to be the posts that are the most popular with my readers and followers. Don’t get so stuck in your posting schedule that you forget your passion and the reason you started to blog in the first place.


Life happens, and one of the luxuries of being a blogger is that you can work around your life.

If you miss a post here and there, you don’t need to announce your lack of activity to your followers or readers. Not to be rude, but chances are they likely didn’t even notice! If you plan to take a break for a vacation or health reasons, create a post where you share your intentions with your readers and let them know when you plan to be back blogging again.

The same rule applies to announcing your return after a break. If it has been a few months without posting, mention your new focus and explain why you were gone if it’s appropriate. If you notice that this type of post is happening more often than not, maybe blogging isn’t for you…

Looking for some more blogging support?

Read: 5 Common Questions About Blogging, and the Answers

Photo Credit: Krystal Brewer Photography

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