My Word For 2023 Is Success

Posted January 2, 2023 by Prairie Wife -


It’s such a personal word.

And for me, its definition is constantly changing.

Sometimes the changes are because I have a new appreciation and understanding of what I have to offer, and other times, I realize that what I thought I wanted isn’t so much fun.

Before we talk about my word for 2023, I want to take a moment to look back at what I chose for last year.

Last year my word was grow, and you can read my full post about it here. 

I’m going to step away from the fear of failure and the voice that says “but what if you can’t do it” and at least give it one hell of a try.

Because I know that even in failure, there is growth.

And I’ve learned over and over in my life that no effort is ever wasted.”

Looking back at 2022, I can confidently say that I HAVE grown!

I’ve grown this brand by doubling my speaking and emcee events, and our social media growth has exploded. This thrills me because the more followers and readers I have, the more people will hear our message of living a life of grit and grace.

I’ve grown personally.

Specifically, I feel like I’ve learned to worry less about pleasing other people and more about leading the life God created me for.

Part of this growth was walking away from a job I loved at the radio station, focusing more on my life as a mother of 5 Cowkids, and continuing to build this brand.

So, what am I hoping will happen in 2023 that revolves around my new word success?

I want to continue to book more emcee and speaking work, develop new and creative ways to connect with people, and show them how to live a life of grit and grace.

I want to consistently show up for myself by focusing on my physical and emotional health, including developing a more thoughtful and focused prayer life.

I want to be present for my family and create memories that will make us smile when we share them for decades.


When I read this post in 12 months, I want to look back on a year where I did things that scared me. I want to see a year where I wasn’t sure how things would work out, but I bravely gave it the best I had. I want to see a year where my friends and family feel seen and valued and where I learn new things about myself.


I’m someone who loves finding a good quote to focus on.

I always have a special quote or phrase on the lock screen on my phone and computer.

So, I took the time to find several quotes about success that inspired me, and I felt they went along with my goals and hopes for 2023.

Find them below, and if they inspire you, feel free to copy them and share them!

Cheers to a 2023 full of success!


Prairie Wife


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