It’s Our 9 Year Blogiversary At

Posted October 30, 2022 by Prairie Wife -

It’s our 9-year blogiversary at!

It’s crazy to think that I’ve been hanging out with you all at for 9 years of my life…and what an amazing adventure it has been.

If I’m being truthful (and aren’t I always around here), I have found this post difficult to write.

I had fully intended to share this post with you earlier in the month, but it took me a while to gather my thoughts and feelings about this year’s 9-year blogiversary.

Some of you may be aware that one of the most unexpectedly wonderful things that came from this blog was the opportunity to spread our message of living a life of grit and grace over the radio waves.

For 4 and a half years, I was part of the My Country 95.5 broadcast team. And while it was an amazing experience, I decided to leave at the beginning of this month.

While my main reason was my family and the need for me to be more present for our 5 Cowkids, I also wanted to pour my time and energy into myself and my brand.

This brand.

When I went to look at last year’s 8-year Blogiversary post, I had to smile at what I wrote…

“It makes me nervous to try and predict what the next year will hold for…

Nervous in a “do I dare and dream this big” kind of way.

I want to keep on growing our numbers in a slow and steady AUTHENTIC way.

Adding men and women to the family.

I want to continue to create a safe place for ALL OF US to share our stories of grit and grace.

And dang it, I want to get that ever-elusive speaking gig out of the state of Wyoming.

There…I said it out loud.

After all, what’s the point of living this life if you don’t take some risks every now and then?”

I’m proud to say that I’ve met every one of the goals I set for myself in the last year!

Across all of our social media platforms, we have well over 30,000 followers, and we have created a place where more and more men feel comfortable stopping by.

I’ve revamped our mission statement and guarantee to reflect some of the recent shifts, and you can find it here if you’d like to read it.

And while the out-of-state gig planned for 2023 is tentative, I’ll call it a win!

So here I am, literally back where I started. 

Sitting at my kitchen counter, hoping that putting my time and energy into building this brand will be worth it.

This time though, I have 9 years of experience to guide me.

9 years of weathering the emotional ups and downs of running a business and putting yourself out into the universe over and over.

9 years of dealing with thoughts and opinions about who and what I am (some good…some not so great).

9 years of answering the question, “So wait…what is it that you do?”

In some ways, it’s less scary to make this shift than the first time. In other ways, I feel more pressure to be successful than ever before.

Suddenly it has gone from my only expectation for myself and the brand being “to consistently and authentically show up for my readers and partnerships” to creating monthly financial goals.

It was way more fun to sit around and be happy with whatever work organically came my way.

It’s a whole new thought process to actively set goals, to reach out to others for work…and be told no. Or even worse, to never hear anything back and be left wondering. “Am I good enough?” “Will this work?” “What have I done.”

But if there is anything I’m good at, it’s doing things even though I’m afraid.

So here’s to taking a deep breath and taking one more step toward whatever adventures are ahead!


Prairie Wife

Photo Credit: Erin Potter Photography, Skyla Lee Photography

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