What’s In Your Diaper Bag? #giveaway
Posted December 14, 2016 by Prairie Wife - 40 comments
One of my favorite things to do in my “free time” is read magazines. Anyone that is a regular visitor to my home knows that you an find a pile in my bathroom…because let’s get real here…that’s the only place I have time to read them!
In US weekly they have a segment called “What’s in your bag?” where celebrities show off their super chic purses and all the trendy cute things inside.
“Oh I’m just like you see, I have snacks. It’s an organic Kale bar garnished with Unicorn tears!”
“That little heart keychain? It’s vintage Chanel and cost more than your car, isn’t it sweet?”
For the sake of time I’ll refrain from adding any more sarcastic made up quotes.
Instead let’s get down to business.
We all know that our diaper bags/purses/weekender bags/suitcases need to hold a lot of stuff.
Finding the right bag for you can be an endless quest, and when you find just the right one, it’s a feeling like no other!
Perhaps you need one that fits a thermos of warm filtered water, bottles and formula.
Maybe you’re looking for the best diaper bag for cloth diapers?
Or, you could be like me, and need a diaper bag/purse that can fit everything you need for five children aged 10 years -22 months.
I thought it would be fun to do our own version of “What’s in Your Diaper Bag?”
First take a look at my stash….
I can’t tell you anything about my purse other than it’s 8 years old, I bought in in Texas with my big sis TexasTwoSteppin’ and I absolutely love it!
First and foremost I have a wallet that’s big enough to hold all my credit cards, ID, a checkbook, and a billion business cards and receipts I think I need to save but, never look at again.
Then we have the most important part of the diaper bag, actual diapers and wipes. Depending on the age of my youngest child I may have as many as 8 diapers (newborn-5m) or simply a ziplock bag with extra clothes.
I have all the tools of bribery necessary to make it through a 30min wait in a doctors office. Including, toys (cars, troll dolls, horses, dinosaurs, necklaces, and a squeaky pig), gum, goldfish crackers, and my Original Squeeze.
The big zipper pouch is my first aid kit and has band aids, medicine for every age and need, pads and tampons, nursing pads, fingernail clippers, and tweezers.
Now we get to the stuff that’s actually for me!
Every shade of lip gloss known to man (as I’ve said before I have a problem), my Evian water mister and lotion (a must in Wyoming’s dry climate), a hairbrush, pens, runner’s mace, old shopping lists and notices from the post office, and last but not least… my Grandma Catherine’s Rosary.
And of course…somewhere buried in all that mess are my car keys…10 points to the reader that spots them
I thought it’d be fun to have a little contest and see what YOU have in your diaper bag!
All you have to do is let us know in the comments what you think is the most useful OR unusual thing you have in your bag (or purse) AND why it’s in there!
You can earn more points towards winning our $50 gift certificate by following us on social media!
I can’t wait to read what our readers have I their diaper bags (or purses)!
This post and giveaway is possible through a partnership with Nakturnal.
Copyright: akz / 123RF Stock Photo
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40 thoughts on "What’s In Your Diaper Bag? #giveaway"
Categories: #GiveAways, Reviews
Tags: , diaper bag, diapers, funny, Giveaway, messy, mom, mom life, motherhood, parenting, purse
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My little Swiss Army knife! I’ve used this little thing a ton for so many things!
I have two bags. One is my purse, the other is a tote bag that goes to work with me. The purse has just the basics – wallet, lip balm, lipstick, mini flashlight (for emergencies from my NYC subway commuting days), cell phone, keys, nail file, CVS coupons, etc. The tote bag has a mini umbrella, fold-up extra (soft) tote bag, various extra power cords for the cell, I-pad, etc., the I-pad, sun glasses, reading glasses, and I usually toss in any bills, magazines, etc.
It’s just a tad lighter from my commuting days but is still heavier than it needs to be.
I have an item it looks like a credit card but it has scissors in it ,and a tape measure, a little nail file, I use it often. My other bag has the usual stuff wallet a little makeup and lip gloss for my dry lips this time of the year.
I always kept a little Cheerios in the diaper bag. I remember leaving a trail up and down Sunrise Shopping Center.
I always have Chapstick.
I always have my PocketBac hand sanitizer because you never know when you are going to need to clean your hands or a spill you may make. Are your keys underneath the pink/orange and white pouch?
Found them
I think the most useful thing in my diaper bag is the hand creme!!
I keep a small plastic container to keep my little ones pacifier in so that it’s clean and not rolling around on the bottom of the diaper bag. I also keep plastic bags for those dirty diapers and clothes.
What a great idea!
Well, I have toy car tires and rocks and who knows what else in my purse, because children. The most useful thing I have is a pen and notepad! My kids use it whenever they are stuck somewhere, bored. My diaper bag is new, so it still is normal stuff in there so far.
Rocks and dead dandelions are often found in mine too!
Everything in my bag is pretty standard. I always make sure I have bandaids for dramatic injuries that only bandaids can fix.
hah “dramatic injuries that only bandaids can fix” isn’t that the truth! Thanks for stopping by Heather
Baby wipes. Is there anything that they can’t do?!?!?!
I always have a small bottle of lotion in my diaper bag.
A must for me too Latoya!
We are expecting our first in April & do not have our diaper bag ready yet!
and thanks for stopping by!
I always kept my life in there too instead of dragging a purse along when i already had a huge diaper bag!
I can’t imagine trying to keep track of both!
I’m subscribed to your email with https://www.facebook.com/groups/203187220087545/
i keep stamps in my diaper bag! you never know when a letter or bill needs to be mailed!!
So true!
I always bring a portable charger, and some cereals for my little one to eat as snack
Thank You for the chance!
I carry warmeez it’s a wrap for the bottle to heat it up.
I’ve never heard of this before I need to check it out!
Wipes and cereal for snacks are a must!
I keep wipes in my bag. I dont think ive never run out! Those things are life savers!
The uses for wipes are many lol!
I carry crackers around to feed my 1 year old.
The odd item is the bag itself. It’s a big purse converted into a diaper bag/purse where I also keep my wallet and keys
I always carry a plastic bag for stinky diapers till I can throw them away.
I have a mini Lysol spray bottle for those unsanitary public bathrooms
I have shampoo and conditioner in my diaper bag. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway. Happy holidays.
I have a extra battery for my phone in my purse.
i always made sure there was a magazine in there for appointments when waiting.
i always have travel wet wipes in my bag
I carry a couple grocery bags. You never know when something disgusting is gonna happen!
Wipes – they have so many uses!