Mama Mantra: What Summer Schedule?

Posted July 19, 2024

Summer and schedule are two words that don’t go hand in hand around here. We’ve been living this way for over 8 years. It was something that began when I was first forced to let go of all of my Summer expectations because of my Preventive Mastectomy Surgery. Living schedule-free… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Parenting

Mama Mantra: Rights vs. Privileges

Posted November 20, 2023

Over the last 17 years of parenting, I have found that many of our conversations about punishments also revolve around the idea of rights vs. privileges. For example, when Cowkids aren’t using their tech appropriately…like sneaking it after they’ve been told their time is up, we have to explain that… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens

Mama Mantra: You Can’t Make Them All

Posted September 19, 2023

You can’t make them all. Every school party, every concert, every game or tournament, or after-school event…you can’t make them all. You can’t make them all, and that’s okay. Over the years, I have often had to repeat this mama mantra to myself. First, as a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) when… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Parenting


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