If Not Now, Then When?

Posted June 17, 2021 by Prairie Wife - 2 comments

If not now, then when?

It’s a question that I began to ask myself several years ago when it became apparent that I wasn’t getting any younger.

Yes, I am fully aware that 39 is not “old” but let’s get real…it’s also no longer “young”.

I can’t stay up for three days and after one day of recovery sleep be back to normal.

I have to be conscious of what I eat…too many days in a row of sweets or greasy drive-through food definitely have repercussions.

And my “favorite”…the lines on my face from my pillowcase at night, they sometimes take more than an hour to disappear.

In the last 5 years, I have faced my own mortality more than most.

From learning about my high breast cancer risk to being told I may have Cancer not once, not twice, but three times…

Hearing that kind of news, and dealing with the waiting, well…it changes you.

Or, I guess I should say, it changed me.

I didn’t start living life carelessly with a YOLO kind of attitude.

I wasn’t jumping off of cliffs or rushing to “fit it all in before it was too late”.

I also, wasn’t curled up in a ball of fear, worrying about who would take care of my kids and The Cowboy…though I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had my moments.

Instead, I had a shift in my thought process, and a certain willingness to try and fail.

My mantra became “If not now, then when?”

Because it became clear to me that maybe if I didn’t start working on some of my “somedays” I might not ever get a chance.

Honestly, the life I’ve created after I embraced this attitude is the stuff of dreams.

This blog has grown in ways I could have never predicted, and I now have a radio show that allows me to spread my message of grit and grace in a brand new way.

I’ve had the opportunity to help local charities raise money that will create positive change in our community, and I travel around the state speaking with amazing people helping them to create the life they want.

I’ve met amazing people that have inspired me to do better, and be better.

I’ve done things physically that I never could have dreamed of, from climbing a 14,000-foot mountain to running a half marathon.

And by the way, there are things I’ve tried and failed too, but each one has taught me a lesson that has helped me to succeed at something else!

Stop and think for a moment…

How could your life change if you adopt “If not now, then when?” as your new mantra?

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2 thoughts on "If Not Now, Then When?"

  1. Linda Paul says:

    “If not now, then when?” is a valuable question to keep lodged at the forefront of one’s mind. I think the first time I trotted that one out was when I was in my late 40s or early 50s. I had wanted to take an Equitours trip ever since I’d learned of the organization in my 20s. One morning I woke up and realized I would never have someone to do this with, nor did I need someone to do it with. So I booked a trip to ride horseback through the Dordogne region of France. It was a fabulous experience.

    Twenty+ years later, I still adhere to “If not now, then when.” Looking back, what this has meant to me is that I have reached an age where if I died tomorrow, all would be well. I’ve had a rich life, done many things I never expected to do and still have other things I’d like to do, but I don’t feel my time on the planet has been wasted. I’ve had a great run.

    Keep up the living!

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      Oh my gosh that sound like an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here to inspire others.

Categories: Life As It Happens, Prairie Wife Talks About Life

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