Help Roma Join His Forever Family
Posted January 13, 2016 by Prairie Wife -
“Faith isn’t the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It’s simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.” ~ Joni Eareckson Tada
The following is a post written by past Prairie Wife of the Week Sarah Larson
Roma needed hosted during the winter session as his 16th birthday was so near [this is the age when children age out of the program]. Roma had never been hosted and this winter was his last chance. With only 24 hours before hosting closed, we felt like we were his only hope, so we decided to open our house to him! We had no intention of adopting again (we just finalized adoption of our son Vitaliy in October) and made it our mission to try to find him a family. He came to us stating he didn’t think he wanted to be adopted because he has living family in Ukraine, and big dreams of becoming an auto mechanic.
Ryan and I loved the idea of mentoring, connecting and loving on this sweet boy without the pressure of adopting, and that is exactly what we did! He brought a light to our house with his genuine and kind soul. Roma is helpful and loves being involved in all of our family activities. After 2 weeks with us his heart was softening and in the final hours of hosting he asked to be adopted by Ryan and I.
It was hard to not feel like God hand-picked Roma to place in our family for a reason so here we are ready to complete our family…

The Larson family is raising money to help fund Roma’s adoption. To learn more about the costs of adoption you can click this link and read more about the process of adopting form the Ukraine.
To donate money to help the Larson family click here.Even if you are unable to help financially PLEASE share this post and spread the word. You never know whose heart you may touch and how it may help Roma join his forever family!
Categories: Life As It Happens
Tags: , adopting from the Ukrains, Adoption, help, orphan hosting, orphans, Prairie Wife, Srah Larson, support, Ukraine
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