5 Positive Habits That Can Improve Women’s Health

Posted July 10, 2022 by Guest Poster -

Women often are the family caretakers and end up neglecting their own health. If they can incorporate a few positive habits into their lives, they can improve their health and take better care of others too.

The following positive habits may help pave the way to a healthier life. 

1. Drink a glass of water before every meal

Many women forget to drink enough water in the course of a busy day. Drinking more water is one of the easiest healthy habits to incorporate into your daily routine. Even mild dehydration can cause negative symptoms like headaches and constipation. When dehydration becomes severe, the symptoms can be wide-ranging and eventually become life-threatening. You can do without food for longer than you can do without water. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to function properly. 

Drinking a glass of water before every meal isn’t difficult to do, and it can ensure that you develop a healthy habit that keeps you hydrated. Drinking enough water can also help with weight loss because you may eat because you think you’re hungry when your body really needs water. 

If you become dehydrated due to having diarrhea or some other illness, you may need to have a drip. Drip Hydration, The Metabolic Institute, and Clinic 5C offer Spokane IV treatment, and a certified nurse will come to your home and administer a drip to help deal with dehydration. 

2. Eat a healthy breakfast to set the tone for the day

When you eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, it starts your metabolism firing. It tells your brain and body to start digesting the food. If you skip breakfast, your metabolism can become sluggish. 

Women of childbearing age should eat citrus fruit and other foods which contain folic acid to help prevent birth defects. Women who have gone through menopause should increase their intake of foods like egg yolks and low-fat dairy that contain calcium and Vitamin D. Research shows that women who eat breakfast tend to eat more minerals and vitamins and less cholesterol and fat. Whole-grain cereals, low-fat milk, fruit, and yogurt are high in fiber and proteins. 

Try to eat healthily for the rest of the day too. Avoid crash diets or eating too much by following a realistic diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

3. Get In some daily movement

Exercise decreases your stress and improves your mood and energy levels. This daily exercise can simply consist of taking a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes. It will do wonders for your mind and your body. The more intensely you exercise, the more calories you will burn. Many women want to lose weight, and this means following a fairly rigorous and regular exercise program and changing eating habits. 

Regular physical activity can help to prevent or manage a wide variety of health concerns that commonly affect women, such as metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, heart disease, depression, and certain types of cancer. Exercise can also make women feel more positive about their bodies, and this is important to their mental health.

4. Have regular health checks

Routine health screenings can pick up health issues before they cause complications and even risk your life. You should have a Pap smear to check for cervical cancer every three years from age 21 to 65. 

At the age of 40 to 50, you should have a mammogram every year and, after this, every two years. A mammogram can diagnose breast cancer in its early stages when treatment can be very effective. 

Women should also start having bone density scans at age 65 to screen for osteoporosis. Other important tests include blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol tests. Twice yearly dental checkups are necessary too. 

5. Get more sleep

A consistent lack of sleep can have lasting health consequences. Mothers of small children are often sleep-deprived, and this decreases their ability to handle stress. Sleep needs differ, but if you have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, always feel tired and find it hard to concentrate, you probably aren’t getting enough sleep.

Develop a habit of getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. If you have trouble falling asleep, try to keep your bedtime routine free of digital devices. Don’t drink caffeine before bedtime if it prevents you from getting to sleep. 

Getting enough sleep on a regular basis improves your mental alertness and helps you to keep your stress levels in check. It keeps your immune system healthy and can even prevent you from developing some brain disorders. 

If the idea of adding all five positive habits at once is too much, try mastering one at a time.

Washing Dishes Photo Credit Krystal Brewer Photography

NOTE: This is post was sponsored by Novachrom Web Corporation

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