We Need Your Help for February Flashbacks #giveaway
Posted January 2, 2015 by Prairie Wife - 25 comments
**This Giveaway is now closed. Thanks so much for all your comments and e-mails! The Featured Prairie Wives for February Flashbacks are…..Amanda and her candid conversation about addiction, Katy and her experience in Direct Sales with Rodan and Fields, Elizabeth and her journey to Africa, and Kim Gravel of the Lifetime show Kim of Queens! Stop by each Friday in February to read all about them!**
Texas Two Steppin’ and I were chatting about the blog last month, and started talking about our Prairie Wife of the Week posts. It turns out that not only is it one of our favorite parts of the blog…but our readers love it too! After all, who doesn’t love taking a peak into someone’s life and reading all the answers to those burning questions you always wanted to ask?
We thought it would be kind of fun to check back with some of our past Prairie Wives of the Week and decided to do February Flashbacks. The only problem was, we couldn’t agree on what four Prairie Wives we should touch base with! We each have our personal favorites and just couldn’t settle on four, after all, each and every one of our Prairie Wives is amazing in her own unique way.
So…as a solution we decided to ask you to help us pick. Then we had the clever idea to do a giveaway as well! After all what better way to start a new year than with a giveaway for our readers?
All you need to do is nominate your favorite past Prairie Wife (you can nominate up to three) is let us know in the comments section of this post. Just leave their name and their story. We have had several Katie’s on the blog so we need you to say “Katie who adopted three children from China.“or “Katie, the woman who had a home birth.” Also, if you have any questions you want us to ask in the February Flashback interview make sure you let us know! We will pick one of our readers that commented to randomly WIN a $10 gift card to Starbucks!
We can’t wait to see who you guys nominate!
For a quick way to look back at past Prairie Wives simply go to the Prairie Wife tab in our menu at the top of the page. Just a few of our past Prairie Wives are…
Prairie Wife of the Year 2014 Katie
Cancer Slaying Prairie Wife and how she hopes to change the face of Oncology
Kim Gravel of the Lifetime show Kim of Queens
Nicole and the story of her mother’s battle with MS
Amanda and her honest look at her battle with addiction
Elizabeth and her journey to Africa
Marissa Hermer from the BRAVO show Ladies of London
Grandma Bea and her wise words of wisdom
Sarah and her journey to adopt a boy from Russia
Chasetity and CowGirlOnGreen and their fight for their children with special needs
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25 thoughts on "We Need Your Help for February Flashbacks #giveaway"
Categories: #GiveAways, Prairie Wife of the Week
Tags: , ask questions, February Flashback, Giveaway, interview, nominate, Prairie Wife of the Week
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Cancer Slayer , Grandna Bea or Chasetity are my votes
Thanks for you vote!
Grandma Bea
That’s on of our favorites too Sally Ann, thanks for stopping by!
Sarah who adopted from Russia and Grandma Bea
Cancer Slaying Prairie Wife, Amanda, and Sarah and her journey. Thanks for the blog!
Thanks for stopping by, hope we see you again!
Amanda and her honest look at her battle with addiction
I have faced a hard medical fight, not with cancer, but with a serious, pregnancy induced heart condition, and I can relate to much of what Cancer Slaying Wife has gone through! She gets my vote!
elizabeth and her journey to Africa
I vote for all of them, really, but I’m going to have to say “Chasetity and CowGirlOnGreen and their fight for their children with special needs”!
I like “General Kathy Wright” (very impressive:) and “Prairie Wife of the year 2014 Katie”
elizabeth and her journey to Africa
I nominate Grandma Bea and her words of wisdom.
Cancer Slaying Prarie Wife and how she hopes to change the face of Oncology
I vote for Amanda and her honest look at her battle with addiction!
Elizabeth and Her Journey to Africa
It is such an inspiring story!
I vote for Grandma Bea and her Words of Wisdom. Thank you for the chance
Thank you for stopping by!
I’ve lost many family members and friends to cancer so cancer slaying prairie wife gets my vote for sure.
She is truly a remarkable woman!
Hey there, You have done an excellent job.