Honoring our Soldiers with the Western Dairy Association #giveaway
Posted July 1, 2016 by Prairie Wife - 17 comments
On Monday we will be celebrating the 4th of July…
Many of you will be like us, and spending the day with family and friends, perhaps attending a BBQ and lighting a few fireworks and sparklers at night.
Some of you may be celebrating by enjoying a fancy meal and sitting and enjoying a patriotic display put on by your community.
Still others will be away from their friends and families, fighting for the freedoms that many of us take for granted.
Here at PrairieWifeInHeels.com we’ve celebrated our soldiers in a variety of ways. We’ve interviewed the first female General in the Wyoming National Guard as well as women who have had their husbands deployed for months, and even years.
We’ve mourned the loss of soldiers of the past and feared for the soldiers of the future.
Along with the Western Dairy Association (WDA) we would like to take this opportunity to thank not only our soldiers, but their families. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed.
And now, its your chance to say thank you to a special solider in your life, and nominate them to receive a gift from the WDA Cheese Fairy.
Perhaps they served our country in a past war, or are currently active in our armed forces. It can be a family member, friend, neighbor or co worker.
All you have to do is let us know in the comments why this special solider deserves a visit from the WDA Cheese Fairy. We will email the author of the winning comment to get the name and email of the lucky solider. The Cheese Fairy will then flap on over and deliver an Artesian Cheese Basket to their door. This giveaway will end on July 8th and the author of the winning comment will be notified by July 12th.
We’re really looking forward to reading these nominations, and I know already that it will be hard to pick just one!
Even if you don’t nominate someone, please take a moment to share this post and spread the word about this great opportunity to show our soldiers how much we value them.
Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo
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17 thoughts on "Honoring our Soldiers with the Western Dairy Association #giveaway"
Categories: #GiveAways, This and That
Tags: , #WDACheeseFairy, 4th of july, America, cheese fairy, Giveaway, soliders, support for our troops, western dairy association
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I would like to nominate my cousin Cody.
Cody is a Marine that served multiple tours in the Iraq war.
He served our country after the 9/11 attack, it is one of the most selfless things any soldier can do, and to listen to the troubles and triumphs he had to encounter is something in itself. Thank God for our military who are willing to sacrifice themselves, and have to witness their own brothers or sisters fall in the line of duty! Cody now currently works in a VA hospital still helping past and current military.
I was going to nominate my cousin Paul but after reading about Jil’s cousin who is a marine I can’t help but think he might deserve it more. A marine is so intense. I’ll still tell you about my cousin.
I think he signed up either before 9/11 or just afterwards with the National Guard. Naturally we were all worried where he might get shipped. He’s done three tours, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa. He’s in construction so he worked on projects, the last one being roads in Africa.
He has a little girl now and a baby on the way so hopefully he doesn’t sign up for another tour and just focuses on his construction business.
I agree, I give thanks to all vets for our freedoms.
I think your cousin sounds like an amazing man!
I am going to nominate my cousin and her husband, Adam who is a Marine. They moved their family of three little kiddos to Japan, where they are currently stationed. So great fun for his service to our country and the sacrifices their family makes.
I am going to nominate my husband, Austin. What a brave and strong man I am happy to call the love of my life and the father of my children. He has served in Iraq and Afghanistan and will deploy again in the coming year. He is in the National Guards and works full time in a civilian job as well. He is one of the hardest working men I know. I am nominating him because when he deployed the last time we only received a one week notice as he was replacing another gentleman that was unable to go. At first I was angry, as I did not want to be without my love for a year and our son was only 18 months old at the time. However, as soon as I talked to the families that all changed. They were all relieved that he was the one going and taking those men over and taking care of them. They said they all felt safe under his command, and I have since realized that it was a God thing and those boys needed him and he needed to take care of his men. It drew me closer to God as a result, praying he would come back safe and also made me realize just how ungrateful I really was for the life we had that I took for granted. He came back safe to us and I pray he will again. And may I just say, God Bless all of the troops and their families, and thank you for serving and giving your time. Speaking first hand, it is not always easy, but I pray daily for the military families out there of past and present soldiers and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless you all!
I would like to nominate my husband John. He was not drafted. He joined the Navy in 1965 right out of High School and retired after 20 years. We were married all but the first three years that he was in the service. He went on deployments for six months every year for the first ten years of his service. There were very few Christmases, birthdays or other special events that he was around for. It was hard on all of us. So I understand what the families of service members are going through now.
Two of his first deployments were in Vietnam. At least now, the vets from the war in Afghanistan are, for the most part, very much appreciated and welcomed back which is great. All veterans should be appreciated and honored, but this was not the case with the service members coming back from Vietnam. They came home to anti-war demonstrations and much criticism for having served their country. He was never bitter about this, and was always proud to have served and still is to this day.
God Bless all of our current and past members of the Military.
This story is amazing, thank you to you and him…and I hope that he know how much we at PrairieWifeInHeels.com value both him and you for all you have done for the sake of our country.
My son joined the Army and had to leave for basic days after his daughter was born.
There are so many sacrifices that family members make, not just our soldiers. Thank you to all of you <3
My uncle has served and is a treasure to us all!
Thank you to your uncle for his service!
My husband served in Vietnam, he has bitter feelings about how he was treated when he came back, Instead of being a hero they were spit on instead of treating them as heroes. I know he is and always will be hero to me
This brought tears to my eyes, Darlene…he is a hero in my eyes as well.
I’d like to nominate my grandfather, Irwin. He served in the US Army and was deployed during the Korean War. He just turned 87 last month and is proud of his country. He’s a dedicated, caring man who sacrificed a lot and he is certainly a hero. I’d love for him to win this as a special surprise and, even though he doesn’t talk about his days in the war, to know that he is a special soldier.
Happy late birthday to him. It really is true that many of his generation don’t talk about the war but, that makes them no less the heroes!
My cousin as he was in the service for over 20 years!