Why Is It That Springtime Makes Me Feel Like Change?

Posted April 11, 2022 by Prairie Wife -

What is it about Springtime that always makes me feel inspired to make changes?

And is it just me?

With the longer days, I find myself feeling more energized, and the ideas and projects start piling up in the back of my mind.

Growing and developing, pushing and nudging until I have to write them down, or start making plans to make things begin to happen.

Maybe it’s because my birthday is in the Spring and that alone is a reason to be reflective…

Whatever it is, I always feel like I need to make some changes, and I’m filled with a new drive and focus that just wasn’t present in the Winter.

Perhaps it’s the changing of the seasons, though I don’t recall feeling like this when Spring turns to Summer, or with the changes that come with Fall and Winter.

At the ripe old age of 40 😉 I now know to just give in to it.

To embrace this feeling and roll with it…and see where it takes me.

I know for sure that I’m destined for a major closet purge and overhaul.

Which I totally blame on the second season of The Home Edit!

Over a year ago I went through and did a ton of work in my closet, and it definitely helped me to get ready more quickly. But despite my one thing in one thing out rule, it has begun to get a bit more crowded than I like.

It makes me “twitch” every time I walk into it, which is a sure sign that I need to make some changes.

As far as radio work, we have some plans for growth and change, and I’m very excited about the opportunities that may be ahead for Drew and me.

And here at PrairieWifeInHeels.com I’m always looking for new ways to help support you!

So, feel free to let me know below what you’d like to see here, or on any of our social media accounts, I love to hear from you so that I can make this a place you want to come to over and over again.

First Picture Willie Petersen
Second Picture Skyla Lee Photography

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