Wyoming’s “Rowdy Randy” Is Back In A New Children’s Book #giveaway

Posted September 20, 2022

Famous Wyoming-based Author Casey Rislov and Wyoming Illustrator Zachary Pullen have combined to create another children’s book in their award-winning “Rowdy Randy” series. The first book, “Rowdy Randy,” has received nine awards and tells the story of a cowgirl named Randy. But it isn’t any run-of-the-mill tall tale. This is the… Read More »

Categories: #GiveAways, Book Reviews, Reviews

A Long List Of Lovely Books To Read

Posted August 2, 2022

It has been far too long since I gave you a list of lovely books to read, so to make up for it I’m going to give you a looonnnggg list. In this list of 10 books, there is a bit of something for everyone, from a memoir written by… Read More »

Categories: Book Reviews, Reviews

“Hero On A Mission” by Donald Miller

Posted July 10, 2022

I have been a Donald Miller fan ever since I watched him speak as part of a virtual conference I was participating in. While I was somewhat disappointed by what I took away from the overall experience, I will never regret the money I paid for it because it connected… Read More »

Categories: Book Reviews, Reviews


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