Behind The Blog: Don’t Worry, I’m Still Here

Posted December 3, 2021 by Prairie Wife -

Don’t worry, I’m still here.

Have you noticed that I haven’t been able to post every Tuesday and Friday like usual over the last two months?

If not, don’t worry, that actually makes me feel better.

But, I HAVE noticed.

It’s been something that has been a problem for me, something that weighs on me.

Something that makes me feel like a failure.

I love writing.

I especially love writing here, where I can create posts about whatever I want.

It’s cathartic for me, it’s like therapy for me to sit down in front of my computer and just let the words flow.

From Mama Mantras where I’m able to share hard-earned lessons about parenting, to short stories that leave me wondering…what should happen next?

It’s fun for me, and I always leave feeling better than when I started.

But lately, I’ve had simply had less time to sit down and write for you.

Sure I’ve been able to keep up with social media posting.

I can do all of that from my phone no matter where I am, as long as I have a free moment or two.

But to carve out 30 minutes, an hour, or more…twice a week where I can sit in front of my computer and type away…well, lately it just hasn’t been possible to do.

We’ve been traveling for work and having fun with our family.

It’s wrestling season which means practices for 3 of the Cowkids (and in a few weeks it will be all 5) and tournaments all over the state on the weekends. Not to mention the extra loads of laundry and packing bags with snacks and clean gear every day.

I’ve had a few months of struggling with my health and had to take a step back from all the things I can normally do.

The Cowboy has been gone much more frequently (and is currently on a two-week safari in Africa) which means I don’t have all the help that I’ve become used to.

And yup, I’ve taken time to sit on my butt and watch Hallmark movies and read.

Through the last 8 years of blogging, I’ve been through this cycle before, and I know that when the time is right I’ll be able to get back and going in a way that makes me both happy and proud.

For now, though, I just wanted to touch base with you.

Don’t worry, I’m still here.


Prairie Wife

Photo Credit Willie Petersen

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