Finding The Joy In The Season

Posted December 9, 2021 by Prairie Wife -

Find the joy in the season…it sounds so simple doesn’t it?

After all right now is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, the holidays!

I myself am known to begin playing Christmas music the week of Thanksgiving (despite The Cowboys grumblings) and as soon as November hit I began to watch Hallmark Christmas movies almost daily…and yes the Netflix ones too.

Even Lifetime Christmas movies are a not one-bit guilty pleasure of mine.

I know it’s basic, I know the plots are silly and 150% predictable, but I love it.

It’s a soothing balm to my soul to put one on while I work, or eat lunch, or put away dishes and clean the house.

The Cowkids and I gladly put on Christmas movies and eat dinner in front of the TV (a big treat in our house), or stay up a bit too late on a school night to finish the last 15 minutes of a classic Christmas movie.

Our house is decked out and decorated by The Cowkids, and we made sure to get the tree up before The Cowboy left for his South African Safari.

The outdoor lights have stayed put despite several windstorms, and the Elves have been moved nightly thanks to my two teenagers who happily took over this tradition (praise Jesus).

Yet despite all this I found myself writing out a Christmas to-do list this afternoon that had me wanting to put my head down on the counter and weep.






Presents to buy and get in the mail so they will be there in time for Christmas.

Gifts for all The Cowkids from The Cowboy and I…and the big guy…and don’t forget taking them each individually to buy gifts for each other.

Meals to plan.

Cookies to bake.

And oh yes…figure out what the heck to get The Cowboy for Christmas besides ammo…not that he’d complain if that’s all that showed up under the tree.

Grades to check, concerts to attend, food drive donations to stuff into backpacks, and teacher gifts to sort out.

Yes, I’ve seen the posts that go around…

Keep it simple, go back to the basics, remember the reason for the season.

But I WANT to do all these things on my list.


I just have to find the time to do them between my radio show job, running the Prairie Wife brand, sleeping, exercising, trying to spend time with friends, and parenting 5 Cowkids during a busy wrestling season.

As I wrote this I mentally beat myself up.

After all, this year isn’t like years in the past where we haven’t had the money to do the things we want to.

Or where I’ve been recovering from surgery and physically incapable of handling things.

We aren’t dealing with a recent loss of a loved one.

I have so much to be grateful for.

But I have to be honest…all this joy bringing can be exhausting.

So tonight I’m ignoring all the should do and have to-do lists in my head.

And instead, you can find me snuggling on the couch with the Cowkids that are still little enough to want to be by their mom, bringing some joy back by watching a classic Christmas movie with those I love.

In the end, I know that what has to get done will be done, and I have no doubt that this Christmas will be one full of joy and memories.

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