My Word For 2022 Is Grow

Posted January 1, 2022 by Prairie Wife -


“To become gradually or increasingly.”

“To produce by cultivation.”

“To come to feel or know something over time.”

Over the last several years, rather than make a list of New Year’s Resolutions I’ve picked a word or phrase to help guide my year.

Last year it was all about going back to basics and Grit and Grace was the theme.

There was a lot of rolling with the punches, learning to step back from things that didn’t serve me anymore, and stepping it up by learning to be unapologetically proud of who I am.

A lot of my focus was on just making it through the joyful chaos of my day-to-day life as a mom of 5, radio/media personality, and head of the Prairie Wife brand and all that comes with it (blogging, social media, speaking, and emceeing).

For weeks at a time, I felt like I was in survival mode just doing what HAD to be done and nothing more (grit), rather than flourishing and enjoying the life I’ve created.

I know that’s what needed to be done at the time, and it was a lesson in learning that I can’t do it all (grace).

In 2022 I’m ready to do better and be better.

I’m feeling that stirring in my center, the niggling instinct telling me it’s time to grow.

I’ve felt this before, this mixture of excitement and fear.

The growing questions popping up in the back of my mind…

In times of quiet and reflection, I find myself wondering “what if” “can I really do this” “I want to do that”

Last year I don’t think I read a single book about personal growth, or if I did it didn’t have a big enough impact that I can recall what it was.

I listened to a few podcasts, read articles, and followed a few new social media accounts for inspiration…but I didn’t dig deep.

I didn’t take a lot of risks.

While learning I’m an Enneagram 3 has definitely had a positive impact on me over the last few months when we really started diving into the uncomfortable nitty-gritty of what being a healthy (or unhealthy) 3 looks like…I somehow never scheduled my next meeting with Katie.

You better believe I’m going to get those next few sessions on my calendar for 2022.


It’s going to be uncomfortable.

I’m going to get frustrated.

I may have to start and stop a hundred times, but in 2022 I’m going to make growth happen.

And as always, I’m going to openly and honestly share it ALL with you.


I’m going to step away from the fear of failure and the voice that says “but what if you can’t do it” and at least give it one hell of a try.

Because I know that even in failure, there is growth.

And I’ve learned over and over in my life that no effort is ever wasted.


What’s your word for 2022?

Photo Credit: Willie Petersen, Erin Potter Photography, Skyla Lee Photography

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