The Prairie Homestead Cookbook
Posted April 5, 2019 by Prairie Wife - 18 comments
If you’re a regular reader of ours you KNOW that this cookbook does not come from me
While I love to cook, and even share recipes here on the blog it’s not what I’m best at!

Used With Permission, Flatiron Books
The Prairie Homestead Cookbook was written by a fellow Wyoming blogger, Jill Winger of
I met her through a mutual friend and have been following her blog ever since its creation.
Take a moment to learn a bit more about this amazing cookbook (currently #1 new release on Amazon American Midwest Cooking) and then enter to win a SIGNED COPY of your own!
Part recipes and part homesteading handbook, The Prairie Homestead Cookbook will not only teach you how to make traditional American comfort food recipes with simple, whole food ingredients, but will also help you get started growing your own veggies, eggs, and maybe even dairy, to add to your homemade meals.

Used With Permission, Flatiron Books
Inside The Prairie Homestead Cookbook you will learn:
Over 105 recipes for wholesome, family-pleasing breakfasts, sides, mains, and desserts
17 tutorials for making your own pantry staples such as ricotta, cream cheese, herb-infused salts, sourdough starter, sauces, and more
Quick-glance growing guides for fresh veggies and herbs (even if you live in an apartment)
Troubleshooting tips for homemade broth, butter, and strategies for keeping your homestead pantry well-stocked
Practical advice and encouragement as you begin your own homesteading journey, no matter where you may live
PLUS you will get an entire suite of BOOK BONUSES (valued at over $130!) after purchase… plus a special PRE-SALE BONUS PACK (these extra goodies expire on April 15th so get your order in now)!
All you HAVE to do to enter to win is let me know in the comments what food you think of when you think of homestead cooking!
You can earn more points by following us on social media using the form below.
PS…Stop by our Instagram page to see pics of some of these recipes I just had to try
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18 thoughts on "The Prairie Homestead Cookbook"
Categories: #GiveAways, Book Reviews, Recipes, Reviews
Tags: , cookbook, Giveaway, jill winger, The Prairie Homestead, wyoming cookbook, wyoming recipes
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jsut found you through red dirt in my soul can’t wait to read more
Biscuits and gravy! Love your blog and social Cathy!
homemade bread and butter!
A big pot of stew!
Cornbread and chili!
I love home made bread
A big pot of ham and beans and biscuits!
Reminds me of the food I grew up. Excited to check it out.
Cherry cobbler and biscuits and gravy
Biscuit and gravy
Chili and home made bread.. Reminds me of all things comfort foods
I think of a big pot of beans. Every barbecue after a branding always had a pot of beans, goond way to fill up a bunch of hungry helpers.
I think of lots of different foods, sausage biscuits and gravy, fresh pies, fresh bread, canned goods, homemade butter, and much more!!!^_^
If this is what your talking about: it reminds me of Calamity Jane and Annie Oakley!!!^_^
Chili,Macaroni and cheese and Beef roast.
I love some cornbread
Biscuits & gravy!
omg Cornbread and chili! Sounds amazing