Homemade Seasoned French Fries

Posted March 22, 2014 by Prairie Wife - 2 comments

French Fries are one my favorite foods, and while I am not against getting a bag of frozen ones from the store I really prefer to make my own. This recipe is one that I have perfected over the years. These Homemade Seasoned Fries have just the right blend of flavor. Enough to make them delicious on their own but not so much that you can’t use them for loaded fries (add cheese, onions, chives, and crisp bacon bits) or one of The Cowboy’s favorite meals Chili Cheese Fries! I keep the skins on out of pure laziness and I really think they are healthier that way. And I have to share that my favorite way to eat fries is dipped in mayo instead of ketchup…try it!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook time 20-35 minutes

Ingredientsseasoned fries
5 medium potatoes cut into fries (I don’t peel mine)
¼ cup finely grated Parmesan Cheese
1 tbsp dried Parsley
1 tsp each Garlic and Onion powder
Olive Oil (approx 3 tbsp)
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Turn oven on to 400 degrees
2. Place cut potatoes into a zip lock bag with all the ingredients.
3. Close the bag and shake so that all the fires are evenly coated, you may choose to add more Olive Oil.
4. Spread fries evenly on cookie sheet and place in oven, after 15 minutes take them out and flip.
5. Every 10 minutes check on fries and flip them until they are a golden brown and ready to eat.

What do you like to have with your French Fries?

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2 thoughts on "Homemade Seasoned French Fries"

  1. Ashley says:

    Between the spices and the parmesan cheese these sound so good! And I agree – making fries at home is my preference too!

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      Once you start to make fries at home, nothing else tastes as good lol! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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