He Still Dances With Me

Posted June 28, 2021 by Prairie Wife -

dances with me

17 years later, he still dances with me.

This weekend The Cowboy and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.

And as I sat and thought about what I wanted to write about this accomplishment, because you better believe it’s something I’m proud of, I couldn’t help but think about all the things about him that make me smile.

How I still can’t stop kissing him after almost 20 years together.

The fact that after all this time he’s still the first person I want to talk to when anything wonderful…or terrible happens.

How he always hugs our kids, even the older ones, whenever he gets a chance.

The way he takes off his hat and scratches his head when he’s thinking.

How he never turns me down when I ask him to dance with me.

I often say, his willingness to dance with me is one of the reasons I married him.

And trust me, this is no joke.

Maybe it’s because we met at the beer tent at Frontier Days, where he danced with me all night long.

dances with me

Or, perhaps it’s the fact that’s it just so much fun to be spun and twirled around while amazing country music blares around us.

Better yet it might just be the fact that our dancing is such an example of working together and simply living joyfully in the moment.

Or maybe it’s the physical closeness…

Whatever it is, nothing reminds me more of what a gift my husband is than swirling around the dance floor with him, or slow dancing in the kitchen while the kids play and chatter around us.

He still dances with me.

Here’s to SO many more years of dancing together.

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