Getting Back Into the School Routine

Posted August 8, 2018 by Prairie Wife - 2 comments

School starts in less than two weeks (what?!) and it’s time for me to start working at getting the Cowkids back into the school routine.

There are a few things we do every year that makes it a bit easier and below is a list of a few things that you can do to help make things run smoothly.

If you want, you can simply watch this video from a segment I did with K2News it has all the tips below…and my facial expressions are something to see 😉


  • Start waking the kids up at your regular time for school. They don’t have to be dressed and going…but get them up and out of bed!
  • Get those brains working.
    • Math, reading for at least 20 minutes, and writing.
  • Help strengthen their hands with playdough, coloring, and cutting activities.
  • Schedule a back to school shopping day so it happens in plenty of time to order missing items online.
  • Create checklists to help them remember what needs to be done daily for school.
  • Create a visible family calendar so the entire family knows what’s happening next!
  • Have one more big fun activity to celebrate the end of Summer and beginning of the School Year.


Do you have any back to school tips or tricks?

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2 thoughts on "Getting Back Into the School Routine"

  1. Bennie says:

    Good tips. The last two weeks of summer were the most depressing time for me. I HATED SCHOOOOOOOL!!!! I’ know it’s not a popular thing to say but I’m still amazed when I hear kids say they like school. God bless them, I still don’t get it. My happiest day was graduation day and knowing I would never have to read another assigned boo, hand in homework but most important never see my horrible cliquey classmates again.

    Sorry for the negativity, if you haven’t figured it out I was bullied and teased and didn’t click with anyone in school. I couldn’t wait to start working and make adult friends. Seriously, my life didn’t really start until I was an adult. 🙂

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      I hated school too, was bullied and had no friends until HS so I feel you. I’m just thankful my kids have had a different experience!

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