First Impressions

Posted May 31, 2017 by Prairie Wife -

One of the perks of being a blogger is that I can squeeze interviews and appointments in between my other side jobs. When I met with Terry at True Care, it was no different than any other day. I was wearing ripped jeans (in true rocker mom fashion), a gray t-shirt and running 5 minutes behind schedule. I came barreling into the office looking flushed and flustered carrying my purse/suitcase and my laptop.

I was greeted by two women who immediately stopped what they were doing and kindly asked how they could help me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Terry and I waved at her and told the ladies I was here for an interview. We chatted for a few moments while Terry finished her business and then I went back into her office to conduct the interview. As I pulled out my computer (and apologized yet again for being late) I noticed that Terry sat next to me rather than behind her desk and that the door was kept open throughout our whole interview.

As I came home and went over my three pages of notes (that’s a lot even for me) I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write about True Care, what I wanted to focus on. After a few moments of thought, I realized that everything I needed to say could be summed up by my first impressions.

Caring, helpful, comforting, compassionate and open.

It was obvious when I thought back to my experience that the women that greeted me had no idea who I was. They thought I was there for their services, and they welcomed me as they would any other woman that walked in their door.

With a smile and an offer to help.

treu care logoTrue Care Women’s Resource Center is a Christian medical pregnancy center offering support to women and families facing unwanted, unplanned pregnancies or post-abortion trauma. This year alone, they have helped more than 70 women choose life for their unborn children.

Terry was a wealth of knowledge, and as I said before, I had three pages of notes to help me write this post. But, as I typed, I kept going back to my original impressions. I found myself focusing on the short and sweet notes I jotted amongst the lengthy details.

So, I think I’m going to share those with you…the quick impressions I had of what they REALLY do at True Care. The things that stuck out to me as the nitty gritty and the best of what they do.

Each patient has an advocate who is always in the room with her during every step of her journey at True Care.

Every single woman is taken through the same steps and routine at her pregnancy test appointment.

Honest answers so women can make the choice that’s right for them.

Resources and staff to help connect women with doctors in the community, learn eligibility for and assistance in obtaining Medicaid, support filling out paperwork.

baby and motherParenting classes for first time moms, moms who already have children, dads, and family members.

Incentives for attending parenting classes and appointments-gifts cards, cribs, strollers, new baby items.

Abortion Recovery Program for women and men suffering from Post-Abortion Stress.

And this is where I have to stop and share a few thoughts.

You may think you don’t know someone who has had an abortion but, you’re wrong.

One in three American women will have had an abortion by the time she is 45.

I have more than one friend that has had an abortion, I have some women I know that have had more than one.

I have seen how it affects them, how it has impacted their marriages, their self esteem, their behavior, their ability to mother…

Call me ignorant but, until I met with Terry, I had no idea that there was any way I could help them besides hold them when they cried, listen when they shared their stories, and assure them of my love…and pray for them to heal from their pain.

True Care saves lives, but not just the lives of the unborn.

This Abortion Recovery Program is powerful.

Readers, you are not alone. If you or a friend is hurting from an abortion there are people waiting to help.

First impressions…

Caring, helpful, comforting, compassionate and open.

For more information on True Care Women’s Resource Center please visit their website.

To learn how you can help offer support to women in our community, or to tour the True Care center, click this link.

For those who are living locally feel free to join our community for the Walk for Life June 3, this Saturday morning!

true care walk

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