Behind The Blog: Keeping Your Creativity

Posted September 5, 2023 by Prairie Wife -

Keeping your creativity is one of the hardest parts of blogging and/or running a brand/business.

What do I mean by “keeping your creativity”?

I mean producing original content unique to you and your brand/business.

From written blog posts to videos, pictures, quotes, and captivating captions, you’re always using your creative skills as a blogger or brand!

All of that 24/7 on-demand creativity can be tough work.

Sometimes, it can even be draining…and when your personal life is in chaos…a seemingly impossible task.

Add to that the constant bombardment of what others are doing (and the feelings of insecurity that accompany it) and the rapidly changing trends, and it’s easy to become completely overwhelmed.

So, with all that working against you, how CAN you keep your creativity?

  1. Take a Break: Allowing yourself time away from being creative can result in more energy to create when you’re ready to return to work. But taking a break can be scary when you’ve put so much time and energy into building what you have. I promise you, taking a few weeks off will not ruin years of hard work. Chances are, no one will even notice if you don’t post as frequently on your website for a few weeks. Facebook/Instagram have scheduling options where you can simply repost old content to keep things rolling while you step away for a bit and recharge your creative batteries.
  2. Learn Something New: Nothing sparks creativity like new knowledge or the challenge of trying something different. Take an online class, watch some tutorial videos, or attend a conference and focus on learning something new! Not only is sharing your experiences as you try something new great content in itself, but your journey into the unknown will surely spark some fresh new ideas!
  3. Meet With Other Creative People: Working from home and/or being creative can be isolating. After all, it’s tough for The Cowboy to understand what I really do all day…so when I complain or seek support, he often has no idea what to say to help me. Meeting with other bloggers and creators is a surefire way to get an instant creativity boost, and it’s lovely to spend some time with someone who “gets it.”
  4. Create What You Want To See: Getting caught up in the demands of creating content that others want to see is easy. And to a certain extent, as a blogger or brand/business owner, you absolutely DO need to keep your readers/clients at the front of your mind with everything you do. But trying to guess what everyone else wants is exhausting (and futile) and will usually end in burnout. So, stop worrying about what others are doing and make something just because YOU want to do it.
  5. Focus on Your Misson: Sometimes, all it takes to keep that creativity flowing is a reminder of WHY you’re doing it all in the first place. When I’m feeling uninspired or overwhelmed, I often find that rereading my mission gets me fired up AND reminds me how far I’ve come!

Another thing I do to boost my creativity is to check out what other blogs or brands/businesses are doing. I suggest this cautiously, though, because sometimes this can backfire!

Remember you’re watching what they do to inspire yourself to have new ideas…not to crack the magic money-making code or copy what they’re doing.

Have you ever had to battle with keeping your creativity?

What helps you to feel passionate and inspired?

Need some more help and support building your brand? Click here to learn more about my consulting services.

Photo Credit: Amanda Jo Photography

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