The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go

Posted July 16, 2020 by Prairie Wife - 2 comments

the mountains are calling

The mountains are calling and I must go…

Oh how this speaks to my heart.

Mountain climbing and hiking are two of my favorite things to do in Wyoming.

Whether it’s a hardcore climb up Pikes Peak or a leisurely hike with a friend, being in the wilds of Wyoming refreshes my soul and gives me strength.

It’s a combination of sunshine, fresh air, the stunning views, and the pure joy of moving my body that results in this special Wyoming Zen.

Over the next few days, I’m taking a break from my radio job, and this blog (and social media) to soak up some of that mountain goodness.

My family and I will enjoy some much needed time making memories together and I’m sure there will be an adventure or two!

While this particular adventure will involve pushing myself to new physical and emotional limits I hope I will discover yet again that I’m #strongenough.

The mountains are calling and I must go…

I promise you that when I am back from our break, in true Prairie Wife style, I will have a story to tell and lots of pictures to go with it!

I plan to be back by the middle of next week, and I hope while I’m off the grid for a bit you’ll have a few adventures of your own to share with me when I get back.


Prairie Wife


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2 thoughts on "The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go"

  1. Pa says:

    “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Psalm 121

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