Wyo Sal: My Own Academy Awards
Posted February 23, 2017 by Wyo Sal -
I enjoy movies, I just don’t watch them very often.
Through all of the different phases of my life, I’ve loved a giant box of Dots and popcorn with lots of butter and salt.
I just very, very rarely go “to the movies.”
Now, living 25 miles from a movie theater makes it even more rare. I know we saw “American Sniper,” right after it came out in 2014 – at a matinee. We absolutely loved it.
We saw “Jersey Boys” when the weather was nice enough for a motorcycle ride, and I adored it.
The friend watches movies nearly every night on television. I vastly prefer reading and sleep.
So the other day, he called excitedly to say that the movie “Concussion” would be on my television – before it even got dark.
I reluctantly agreed to the late Sunday matinee preceding an early supper.
“Concussion” is a marvelous movie. Will Smith should have received an Academy Award. Bennet Omalu, the forensic neuropathologist whom Smith depicts, should win a Nobel Prize for science.
And NFL commissioner Roger Goodell should be very, very ashamed of himself.
The movie, which I was reluctant to watch when it debuted, is not so much a football movie as it is a triumph of one man who would not be deterred in his quest to be heard.
I don’t know if I’ll watch the Academy Awards. If it were about pretty dresses and movies, I might. But it will turn into a political rally, and frankly, I’m about political rallied out.
So I’ll take note of the winners, and of which movies I might like to see two or three years from now – at home, with the dog snuggled next to me and popcorn made the way I like it.
Wyo Sal is a Catholic mom and grandma and works full-time at a job that still usually overwhelms her. She loves football and food and books. She hopes to win the lottery some day.
Categories: This and That, Wyo Sal
Tags: , Academy Awards, concussion, life, movies, real life, rural living, watching movies, Wyo Sal
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