Wyo Sal: Choosing is Hard

Posted December 8, 2016 by Wyo Sal -

I have never been this behind for Christmas.

Actually, I’m not just behind, I have barely begun.

I have been sick, and while it is not terminal, it was 14 weeks in length.

I am addicted to college football (I may need to go to meetings).

Last week, we had football in December, in Laramie, for the first time ever.

Now, it’s time for Christmas.

Honestly, with a tiny family, gifts are not the biggest challenge.

No, the biggest challenge is the “plan.”

In my dreams, my two children, one son-in-law and 1-2/3 granddaughters would all be with me and my friend for Christmas, but also with my mom, my brother’s family and my sister’s family.

It’s not going to happen, even if I win the new lottery game and could fly the first section to the second section.

Mobile America has changed over the river and through the woods.

I envy families who have the exact same ritual every holiday.

Ours depends on work schedules and in-law families and many other factors.

I try so hard to be flexible, and sometimes I feel like I am too flexible.

christmas But now a plan is coming together, and it seems as though I will get to host the first section once on Christmas weekend. I am thrilled to do this.

But once again, I will not see my mom or siblings. And although I have not for many Christmases, it makes me sad.

Circumstances dictate that this year, I must choose between my kids and their family, or my mom and sibs.

My mom would tell me to be with my kids. We rarely saw my grandparents at the holidays when we were growing up, instead visiting in the summer.

So I need to be less frazzled and happier.

I need to pull out my recipes and make a plan.

I need to pray more. My good friend says if you pray more, there’s less to worry about.

I need to take her advice. And make a list.

Wyo Sal Bio picWyo Sal is a Catholic mom and grandma and works full-time at a job that still usually overwhelms her. She loves football and food and books. She hopes to win the lottery some day.

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