Origins of a Prairie Wife Part 5

Posted November 5, 2013

As I am sure you have guessed, The Cowboy did call me for a second date despite the less-than-glamorous ending to our first one! We went on to date for two more years. For the sake of time, I will say that there were many adventures, laughter, and sometimes tears.… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Prairie Life

Origins of a Prairie Wife Part 4

Posted November 2, 2013

Being young, full of energy, and more than a little foolish, my buddies and I returned to Frontier Days the following evening. This time, I brought along a few of my girlfriends. I was hoping that the green eyed cowboy would be back, but I didn’t want to ask anyone,… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Prairie Life

Origins of a Prairie Wife Part 2

Posted October 25, 2013

It was the time of year that most high school seniors dread: college applications were due. My friends were suddenly unavailable on weekends; they were all sitting at home with stacks of paperwork to fill out. Their parents looked nervously over their shoulders, pacing as their children mailed off their… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Prairie Life

Origins of a Prairie Wife Part 1

Posted October 22, 2013

It all started a long time ago, back in the late 1900’s, before this Prairie Wife had even thought about wearing heels. Ma, Pa, Big Brother B, and I were all that was left living in the City Home. My older sister, Texas Two Steppin’, and my Big Brother T… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Prairie Life


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