Snickerdoodle Protein Balls

Posted February 28, 2025 by Prairie Wife -

Let me begin by saying my Snickerdoodle Protein Balls recipe is NOT a recipe to aid in weight loss!

These protein balls are fuel for hard-working athletes (specifically wrestlers) to keep their bodies going during long tournaments or to get ready for a grueling practice. In the ingredient list, I have offered a few suggestions that would make this recipe lower calorie, but as I stated, this recipe isn’t about losing weight; it’s about getting some fast-acting fuel into hard-working athletes’ bodies.

My kids have a few standard snacks they like to have in their sports bags to keep them going as they compete, and recently, the high school-aged Cowkids have been working on upping their protein intake. We generally encourage them to use natural sources (eggs and larger portions of meat with dinner), but I had some extra protein powder left over from my last surgery, so I offered to make them some protein balls. Cowboy W is not a fan of peanut butter, which forced me to be a bit more creative than I originally planned. These Snikerdoodle Protein Balls are the result and were so popular that the Cowkids were fighting over them.

Snickerdoodle Protein Balls
Time: 15 min Makes: 13 balls Recommended Serving Size: 2-3 balls

2 cups Quick Oats OR 1 1/2 cups Oat Flour
1/2 cup Protein Powder
1 cup nut butter (I use almond butter: 1/2 cup original and 1/2 cup cinnamon)
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tbsp Cinammon
1/4 cup Honey
1/4 cup Melted Butter (Lower calorie: substitute coconut oil)
Sprinkling of Sea Salt
Cinnamon and Sugar to coat the balls 1/4 cup sugar and 1 tbsp cinnamon (Lower calorie: don’t use)

  1. Grind Quick Oats in a food processor/blender to create a fine oat flour.
  2. Combine all ingredients except cinnamon and sugar in a mixer and blend well.
  3. Roll the dough into balls and gently roll the balls in the cinnamon and sugar mix. Don’t coat them with too much sugar, or they’ll become messy for athletes to eat.
  4. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to eat.

I may also try a Cinammon Bun Protein Ball. Let me know in the comments if you have any protein ball flavors you love!

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