Prairie Wife Virtual Book Club: February 2023

Posted February 6, 2023 by Prairie Wife - 8 comments

It’s time to announce our BOOK for the Prairie Wife Virtual Book Club: February 2023

Yup, you read that right! We’ve changed things based on your feedback over the last few months of Virtual Book Club meetings. Moving forward, we will do ONE ADULT BOOK a month until June. We will mix things up in June to allow you and your kids to participate in our Virtual Book Club during the Summer months.

This monthly Virtual Book Club is all thanks to Wind City Books, an Indie Bookstore in Downtown Casper, Wyoming.

Miranda from Wind City Books can ship you our book club book WHEREVER YOU LIVE, so please use the link provided below to purchase your Prairie Wife Book Club books.

If you’re feeling lucky, you can also enter the giveaway at the end of this post to WIN a copy of this month’s book. The winner will be chosen on Monday, February 13, so there will be plenty of time for the book to get to you before we have our End of Month Prairie Wife Book Chat!

So, how does The Prairie Wife Virtual Book Club Work?

It’s easy (I promise) and available to anyone who wants to join.

You don’t need social media because we’re doing it all with Zoom!

Based on feedback from our readers over the last few months, we’ve decided to have only one meeting a month.

At this hour-long meeting, we will heavily discuss the adult book choice using the questions given below the review as a guide.


Don’t forget to enter our GIVEAWAY at the end when you’re done learning about our book choice for the month.

The House in the Pines by Ana Reyes

Never in my life have I wanted to cheat and read the last few chapters of a book…until I began to read “The House in the Pines” by Ana Reyes. This psychological thriller had my brain twisted up in knots trying to figure out what was REALLY happening! Trust me when I say this is the perfect book to keep your mind off of the never-ending winter weather that comes with February. And be prepared to stay up late reading this one, because you won’t want to put it down once you start. If you liked our October book “Magpie” you’re going to LOVE this one.

Here’s what the publisher had to say “Maya was a high school senior when her best friend, Aubrey, mysteriously dropped dead in front of the enigmatic man named Frank whom they’d been spending time with all summer.

Seven years later, Maya lives in Boston with a loving boyfriend and is kicking the secret addiction that has allowed her to cope with what happened years ago, the gaps in her memories, and the lost time that she can’t account for. But her past comes rushing back when she comes across a recent YouTube video in which a young woman suddenly keels over and dies in a diner while sitting across from none other than Frank. Plunged into the trauma that has defined her life, Maya heads to her Berkshires hometown to relive that fateful summer—the influence Frank once had on her and the obsessive jealousy that nearly destroyed her friendship with Aubrey.

At her mother’s house, she excavates fragments of her past and notices hidden messages in her deceased Guatemalan father’s book that didn’t stand out to her earlier. To save herself, she must understand a story written before she was born, but time keeps running out, and soon, all roads are leading back to Frank’s cabin….”

Want to listen to this book instead of reading it? Did you know that you can listen using for the exact cost as Audible? AND you’ll be helping out small Indie Bookstores like our Partner, Wind City Books. Click here to learn more.


  • What do you think of the book’s title?
    • How does it relate to the book’s contents?
    • What other title might you choose?
  • Did the book feel real to you?
  • Which plot twist surprised you the most?
    • If you were Maya, would you have done anything differently?
  • Which characters did you like the best?
  • Did you guess the ending? If so, at what point?
  • Would you ever reread this book?
  • If you could ask the author anything, what would it be?


To enter the GIVEAWAY all you HAVE to do is let us know in the comment section below why you want to read “The House in the Pines”!

You can earn more points towards the giveaway by using the Rafflecopter form below.

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8 thoughts on "Prairie Wife Virtual Book Club: February 2023"

  1. Grace Novack says:

    This book seems really interesting to me. Recently, I have only been reading non-fiction books but am looking towards trying out new genres. I would love to read this book to explore new genres and just to have fun!

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      I think this is a great one to switch up your reading list!

  2. bn100 says:

    looks interesting

  3. Diane Krum says:

    I am trying to find new books to get out of my comfort zone and this sounds like one that would be interesting to me.

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      It really is an amazing thriller.

  4. Amanda Flanagan says:

    This sounds like an interesting book! I love thrillers and mysteries that keep you guessing and this sounds like one.

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      This is defintly one that will make sure to keep you wondering what will happen next.

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