Mama Mantra: What Summer Schedule?

Posted July 19, 2024 by Prairie Wife -

Summer and schedule are two words that don’t go hand in hand around here.

We’ve been living this way for over 8 years. It was something that began when I was first forced to let go of all of my Summer expectations because of my Preventive Mastectomy Surgery.

Living schedule-free in the Summer doesn’t mean the Cowkids stay up until 1 a.m. and do and eat whatever they want all day long.

They still have a vague bedtime, and I make them get up and going by a specific time every morning. They have chore lists each day of things they need to get done, and they have homeschool a few days every week.

The older Cowkids have jobs and athletic practices and are old enough to manage their own schedules.

A schedule-free Summer means we don’t have set days for certain obligations.

The Cowkids may go away for a few days and have a sports camp, but we don’t have any commitments that go on for weeks at a time. I don’t sign them up for classes, and we don’t buy tickets to the Summer movies that happen each week. We don’t sign up for Summer sports teams. Their coaches know they will make as many summer practices as possible, but they may miss some here and there.

A schedule-free Summer means that when a friend from out of town asks us to come and stay with them for a few days, we can!

When a friend texts and asks us if we can meet up at the lake, we can send them multiple open days to ensure the fun can happen. If the neighbor texts and asks if their grandkids can come over and play, I can answer with a “YES” and it makes everyone’s day better.

If family texts us that they’ll be coming through town in a few days, we can stress-free offer them a place to stay or make the time to connect with them.

Impromptu BBQs with friends are some of the best parts of Summer, in my opinion, and if we had every moment booked and scheduled, we wouldn’t be able to have them!

We’re available to help friends and family with sudden emergencies that only come during the summer. We can take care of pets, babysit, or bring our crew by to help with a home repair project.

I may have to schedule my time with friends several weeks out because of my ongoing work obligations and the Cowkids’ camps, but that’s nothing new!

When we have been hanging out at the house for more than two days with not much to do, we can simply load up the kayaks and go to the Lake. Or we can pack snacks in a backpack and go on a hike with just us. We don’t need anyone else with us to have a good time!

Today, I kicked the two littlest Cowkids outside to play for a bit before it got too hot. After over 45 minutes of not hearing any fussing and fighting (a miracle), I asked them what they were doing as I poked my head outside.

“Just pretending!” Little Miss H cheerfully shouted.

And to me, that’s the best part about a Summer with no schedule…It gives my kids time to simply play and be kids.

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