Behind the Blog: 10 Things You Can Do In 10 Minutes

Posted January 9, 2025 by Prairie Wife -

As a small business owner, it can feel like you’re always running from one thing to the next and only getting things partly done. It’s the nature of the beast that we rarely get an hour (or even 30 minutes) to sit down and focus on one task. But, it’s amazing how productive you can be if you have 10 minutes of time…and how what you do in those 10 minutes can make things easier for the future you!

Don’t believe me?

Take a look at my list of 10 things you can do in 10 minutes, and then for the next week, set aside a few times to sit down for 10 minutes and tackle ONE of these tasks. I want to clarify one more time: you need to pick just ONE of these tasks to do for 10 minutes.

I bet at the end of the week, you’ll feel a little bit more in control, more focused, and more optimistic about your ability to keep charging ahead!

Note: I recommend setting a timer for 10 minutes to ensure you don’t get lost in these tasks and spend more time than you planned on them.

10 Things You Can Do In 10 Minutes 

  1. Go to your email and unsubscribe to as many unnecessary/spam emails as possible.
  2. Change your email’s “organize by” date to “oldest on top” and delete all those emails from 10 years ago that you don’t need anymore.
  3. Create files in your email inbox for BIG clients or events so you can find everything you need without using the search bar.
  4. Go to your business’s social media account and invite friends and like-minded companies to follow your account.
  5. Go to your business’s social media account and unfollow people/businesses that no longer align with you and your mission.
  6. Schedule one social media post a day for the next week.
  7. Go to social media accounts that inspire you and align with your mission and like and comment on as many as possible. Bonus points if you share a few favorites to your Insta/FB stories or timeline
  8. Go to and create graphics of your mission statement, business hours, client reviews, or quotes that align with your mission. Don’t forget to add your logo or website to each graphic.
  9. Clean up the clutter in your desk area. File that stack of papers, throw out the junk mail and old papers, get rid of the pens you hate, and straighten up your storage space so you can access what you need quickly.
  10. Take some time to do a brain dump. The focus depends on what you need. Have you created a monthly plan so you can meet those quarterly goals? Perhaps you’re feeling defeated and need to focus on all you’ve accomplished in the last 6 months…make a list! Go to Pinterest and create a private board and put some dreams and goals to focus on. If you already have a focused list or vision board, maybe NOW is the time to look at it again and get inspired or make some changes!

Now that you’ve read the list, I hope you’re feeling inspired (and dare I say empowered) to tackle some of these tasks!

Don’t forget to get back to me after a week and let me know if spending 10 minutes on these tasks helped you!

Pictures: Amanda Jo Photography
Location: Alma Home

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