It’s Not Just You, Adult Friendships Are Difficult

Posted March 31, 2023

The hard truth about adult friendships is that they are difficult! Complicated, tricky, and tough to maintain. But they are also incredibly rewarding, fulfilling, and at times…life-saving. Over the last month, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about WHY maintaining adult friendships is difficult, and I thought I would… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens

Mama Mantra: Get Out of the House

Posted January 8, 2019

Every week over on our Facebook page I do a LIVE Facebook. Last week’s LIVE Facebook was about the SAHM life and how it can be really really hard. A reader had messaged me saying that she was struggling while staying home with her three young children. She wrote that… Read More »

Categories: Life As It Happens, Parenting


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