Speedy Philly Cheese Steak Sammies

Posted October 24, 2024 by Prairie Wife -

I had no idea what to call this particular dinner, and I’m pretty sure it took me longer to dream up a name than it did to make Speedy Philly Cheese Steak Sammies!

This particular school night meal was inspired by a recipe my MIL sent me to try. I looked at the picture and filed it away as something to try another time. A few days later, I was stress sweating, as I stared into the freezer and tried to decide what to make for dinner. I saw that we had some precooked steak meat and a large box of garlic bread, and I instantly recalled the recipe from my MIL.

The original recipe was for a French onion dip sandwich, but we didn’t have French onion soup, and I had some sweet peppers we needed to use up. So, just like that, Speedy Philly Cheese Steak Sammies were invented.

For this recipe, I used pre-cooked/frozen steak I keep in the fridge for desperate moments like this. You can use any red meat you have on hand.

Feel free to take this recipe and make it your own. Add mushrooms or substitute chicken if that’s what you have in the fridge. Serve it with a fresh salad or a hot bowl of soup!

Speedy Philly Cheese Steak Sammies
Prep Time: 5 min Cook Time: 15 min Bake Time: 15 min Feeds: 8-10

Two Boxes of Frozen Garlic Bread (16 pieces)
2.5lb Red Meat (steak, ground meat, beef, wild game)
1 Large Onion
3 Sweet Peppers
3 cloves of Garlic
1 tbsp Olive Oil
3 Cups Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Salt and Pepper

  1. Preheat the oven per instructions on the Garlic Bread Box.
  2. Chop Onion and Sweet Peppers and mince Garlic.
  3. Combine Olive Oil, Garlic, and Veggies in a pan on the stove (med heat) and cook for five minutes.
  4. Spray two cookie sheets with nonstick spray. Place garlic bread on the cookie sheets. Place in the oven and bake for 8 minutes.
  5. Add meat to the veggie mixture, stir well, and cook until browned. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. After 8 minutes, remove the Garlic Bread from the oven and evenly spread the cooked meat and veggie mixture on top.
  7. Sprinkle Mozzarella Cheese evenly over the meat and veggie mixture and bake in the oven until the cheese is melted and golden in spots (approx 5-8 minutes).
  8. Serve warm.

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