Mexican Street Corn Salad

Posted June 11, 2024 by Prairie Wife -

One of my new favorite foods is Mexican Street Corn. I first tried it when Rosie’s Cantina (located in Downtown Glenrock, Wyoming, in the Higgins Hotel) began to serve it as part of its menu. It is delicious, but it’s also incredibly messy to eat and make.

This Mexican Street Corn Salad is an invention based on my recent craving to eat this delicious food and my desire to skip all the mess!

I’ve listed a few extra add-ins and substitutions after the original recipe, so make sure you take the time to check them out.

Mexican Street Corn Salad
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes

7 Ears of Corn
1 can of Rotel (drained)
1 can of black beans (drained)
1 cup minced Onion
10 oz Queso Fresco
Cilantro (to taste)
2 cloves minced Garlic
1 cup of Mayonnaise
1 tbsp Mexican Street Corn Seasoning
1/2 tsp Lime Juice

  1. Peel the husk off the corn and place corn in boiling water for 10 minutes or until soft.
  2. While the corn is boiling, cut up the onion and place it in a large bowl.
  3. Drain Black Beans and Rotel and combine with onions in a large bowl.
  4. Mix mayonnaise, Garlic, Cilantro, Lime Juice, and Mexican Street Corn Seasoning in a small bowl.
  5. Take the boiled corn out of the water, cut it off the cob, and put it in a large bowl with the other vegetables. Stir.
  6.  Add 1/2 of the Queso (crumbled into small pieces) into the vegetable mixture. Stir.
  7. Add the dressing mixture from the small bowl and stir until it is evenly combined.
  8. Sprinkle more crumbled Queso on top of the mixture and a bit more Mexican Street Corn Seasoning.
  9. Serve immediately, or cover and place in fridge and serve later.


  • You can use canned or frozen Corn instead of fresh Corn
  • Replace Mayonnaise with Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt
  • Use Green or Red Onions


  • Chopped Fresh Spinach or Kale
  • Avacado
  • Bacon Bits
  • Jalapenos
  • Green Chilis
  • Crushed Tortilla Chips (may become soggy, so add right before serving or just put on top)

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