Wyo Sal: Call Your Mother

Posted October 13, 2016 by Wyo Sal - 1 comment

So the week has been interesting. Terrific, painful, excruciating and interesting.

What I realized, for not even close to the first time, was that when things get totally out of whack, the best solution has always been and always will be simply this — call your mother.

My mother has spent more than 60 years of her life taking care of other people.

First, there was her husband a decade before he was her husband, whom she helped through math class in high school.

Then came me, and then my brother, and then my sister.

So when I talk to her now, we don’t talk about social media, because she doesn’t own a computer.

call your motherWe talk about books, and about family. She shares news about her nephews and nieces, my cousins and their children. Without Facebook, she knows more about them than I do, because she still has real phone conversations and writes real letters.

She can’t wait to volunteer on Election Day. Barring a Wisconsin snowstorm, she will drive herself, in her brand-new car with too much technology. And she has already arranged for a ride home, because it will be after dark.

She is strident in her beliefs, political and otherwise. She listens to other opinions, but isn’t swayed. She is a rock.

She says all men talk inappropriately when they are with other guys, and that the better choice is someone who doesn’t lie and do dishonest things. My mother sees everything in black or white. There is not much overlap of the two, not much grey there. Yet she is beyond a doubt the most compassionate woman I know.

She says the people who count know the truth, and those who are hypocritical are worried more about themselves than our country.

There are no skeletons in her closet. No 11-year-old entertainment videos. No emails sent on an insecure server. She writes letters to the editor on yellow legal pads. When her hometown newspaper ill-advisedly imposed an email-only edict, she raised some hell and got them to accept hers anyway.

She knows what she knows and no one is going to change her mind.

And somehow, especially now, that seems like a completely perfect way to be.

Call your mother. It cures everything.

Wyo Sal Bio picWyo Sal is a Catholic mom and grandma and works full-time at a job that still usually overwhelms her. She loves football and food and books. She hopes to win the lottery some day.


Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo

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One thought on "Wyo Sal: Call Your Mother"

  1. This is a great share, Sal!! I once saw a sign on a college campus that said, “Call Your Mother, She Worries!” My mom was my rock when I moved over a thousand miles from home to attend college; and as an adult she is one of my best friends. I love that you have a strong relationship with your mom, and that you share her sound advice with readers. “…the better choice is someone who doesn’t lie and do dishonest things.” Indeed!

Categories: This and That, Wyo Sal

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