Staying Fit in the Wyoming Winters

Posted January 31, 2018 by Prairie Wife - 2 comments

Winter in Wyoming is known for its length (at least 9 months) and its unpredictable windy and snowy weather!

With our tight single family budget, going to the gym isn’t a possibility, yet I always find myself with a few extra pounds to shed after the holidays. 

Over the years I’ve come up with a few tricks that help me to stay fit (and even loose weight) without breaking the bank!

winter in wyomingGet Outside

  • Snowshoeing is fairly cheap and something that just about anyone can do. If you can walk…you can snowshoe.
  • Skiing takes a bit more of an investment of both time and money, but it’s an amazing full body workout. Trust me when I say if you go with a friend you’ll have a ton of fun!
  • Even a walk down a snowy road or through a local park is an amazing way to brighten your spirits and slim your waist. I have a neighbor that texts me for a walk when she has a free hour (and I do the same) and we bundle up and meet for a bit of exercise and great conversation. The Cowboy and I even have gone on a few “date walks” when there is an unexpectedly sunny day!
  • When we get a decent snowfall, I often kick the Cowkids outside to sled. When I join them, not only am I the fun mom for a few hours, but it’s an amazing workout!


The key to being comfortable outside is having the right gear to keep you warm. You can check out some of my fav items to keep fit in the winter here, and take a look at some of my winter workout gear on this Sweat Style Unboxing video (you may recognize the coat from our most recent FB live).

Workout at Home for Free

  • There are tons of free workout videos online, one of my favorite free sites is If you have Amazon Prime or Netflix you can find tons of free workout videos that will keep you both interested AND in shape.
  • I always say getting fit is more fun with a friend, so invite your bestie over for a quick sweat session followed by some tea and talk!
  • You know how much I love Pinterset! I’ve found some great 20 min or less HIIT workouts that have really done wonders for me.
  • We all have a friend or two that’s doing beach body or something like that, ask them to do a live FB or FaceTime workout with you!


If you follow us on Instagram you know that I REALLY do these things to stay in shape. My goal is cardio twice a week and a Yoga workout once a week. I’ve been able to keep this up for the last two months and I plan to continue until the snow melts and the flowers start to poke up…so June lol 😉

Here’s a clip from our local K2 news where I’m chatting a bit more about how to loose weight in the Wyoming Winter.

How do you stay fit (and sane) in the winter?

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2 thoughts on "Staying Fit in the Wyoming Winters"

  1. Bennie says:

    Nice interview! You are becoming quite the local celebrity.

    My one friend who is active works different hours from me but when it’s warmer and not so dark out earlier we’ll walk to our downtown area for dinner to work off a few calories. We’ll also take walks when she has days off. Neither one of us is much for cold sports though. Luckily for me I literally live next door to my gym.

    I usually hit the gym before work 5 days a week – at 6:15 a.m. Monday is 30 min spin class, Tuesday is a weight class, Wednesday my own cardio, walking and the rowing machine, Thursday is another weight class and Friday is yoga. I give myself off on Saturday and enjoy a walk outside on Sunday if it isn’t freezing or the sidewalks are not snowy.

    I probably need to challenge myself more but I need to splurge on a trainer, I won’t do it on my own.

    1. Prairie Wife says:

      I love walking and chatting with friends! And I’ve always wanted a personal trainer, you should do it and let me know how it goes 😉

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