Poise, Purpose, Passion

Posted September 21, 2018 by Prairie Wife - 1 comment

PPP group pic2018Last weekend was the first ever Poise, Purpose, Passion Interactive Women’s Conference.

The event sold out, and it truly exceeded all our expectations. As people left they were asking when the next event would be, and our inboxes were flooded with inquires from friends of attendees that wanted to make sure they didn’t miss next year. Victory!

table settingBut let’s take a moment to jump back in time.

Poise, Purpose, Passion (PPP as I’ll be calling it from now on) is the brain child of Sabrina Spears who wanted to offer an opportunity for women to invest time in themselves, discovering their purpose, renewing their commitment to living a life of passion, and walking through their lives with poise! She invited Brenna Gatimu a licensed social worker (and phenomenal therapist) and I along for the ride.

hosts of pppTo say working with these women has been a blessing would be an understatement.

We have been meeting since January to plan this event. Sharing lessons we’ve learned in our lives and trying to decided what would be the most valuable things to share with others.

Somewhere along the way I began to notice that I was learning so so much from these strong powerful women.

I left each meeting inspired and refreshed, renewed and recommitted to becoming a better version of myself. I knew that if the women attending this event learned even 1/4 of what I had through this process, that they would go on to make positive changes in their lives.

Below is a list of some of what we felt were the “main points” of the day, including quotes that were particularly impactful to those that attended. At the end I’m going to take a moment to share with you what I found to be the most helpful.

bitchPoise: External and internal balance that is conveyed through your actions, words and overall vibe.

  • Poise can be learned
  • Use your clothing/makeup/hair to send your message
  • Educate yourself
  • Don’t play down your greatness
  • Don’t be afraid to be a B$%*#

wellness wheel

Purpose: Your reason for what you do, keeps you grounded and is the compass we all need to direct our decisions.

  • Success doesn’t mean $$$ it means a life you love
  • Long Term Goals vs Short Term Goals
  • Don’t let fear limit your purpose
  • Make mistakes, and learn from them
  • Learn to be still and listen


be unapologetically YOUPassion: Passion fuels your purpose and is ambition that turns into action, an emotion.

  • Find your fire
  • There is more than enough room at the top
  • Not all friendships are made to last, be OK with letting go, and being let go
  • Friends come and go, family is forever…and sometimes friends ARE your family.
  • No is a full sentence


Some favorite quotes…

  • You are the first example of how the world gets to treat you.
  • I am the daughter of a queen.
  • Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s ending.
  • Your brain will tell you to stop, your passion will push you past the fear, and allow you to soar.
  • Other people’s perceptions of you are none of your business.
  • If you find yourself feeling jealous, take it as an opportunity to reevaluate your direction.
  • Knowing your worth comes with knowing when to say no.
  • Embrace the experiences that may result in mistakes, and learn from them.
  • Leaving does not mean you are loosing.
  • Fear is a lie we tell ourselves about something that hasn’t happened yet.
  • When you are living in your purpose you have no time to be a hater.
  • When someone tells me I’m too much, I reply with “Tell me something I don’t know.”
  • Don’t let other people’s voices speak louder than your instinct
  • Protect your peace.
  • Be the person you needed when you started your journey.
  • You are not selfish or mean for denying people access to you if doing so protects your peace.

poise purpose passion logo

A gentle side note: We specifically designed this conference for every kind of woman. Single, married, SAHM, working moms, women in direct sales, retired women, divorced women, business owners, single moms. There is nothing listed above that wouldn’t be useful for any of those women I just mentioned.

As I talked in this Facebook Live about what I had gained from PPP I listed two things I was now doing to keep me moving forward in my purpose with passion.

vision board 2018Vision Board

I know, I know…how can I have never created one before?! This is the first time I have actually sat down and done this activity. It was harder and more thought provoking than I predicted. I mostly cut out words, which as I think about it makes since, the written language IS the main way I express myself. Instead of a board I used pages in my notebook and I have plenty of room to doodle and add on as I see fit. I wonder what it says about me that I need to have nothing overlapping?!

Writing Down Goals

I am a huge fan of lists, and The Cowboy and I sit down every year and go over out goals for our family life. When I created the blog I developed a mission statement to help guide me, and it’s been vital to helping PrairieWifeInHeels.com stay true to our goal of supporting women, wives and mothers as they lead a life of grit and grace, sass and style. Yet, I never really had a goal other than “I want to have the blog pay for itself” which is has for several years now. When I decided to focus on building the “Prairie Wife in Heels Brand” I didn’t have a clear idea of what that meant. It worked out OK though, because within a week of saying it out loud, I was given the opportunity to be on the radio.

It seemed that as long as I kept on staying true to our mission and consistently putting up new content wonderful opportunities appeared!


listsYet after all this talking about goal setting, and purpose I realized I need to focus a little bit more on what my goals for the blog were/are.

What was my end game?

So I wrote down some long term (1 or more years to complete) and short term goals (1 week, 1 month or up to one year to complete) that I then broke down into detailed steps.

I mentioned that one of my goals was to get a paid public speaking job booked before January. 

I’ve already completed two of the necessary steps for this.

1. Printing business cards.

2. Letting my readers know that I am ready, willing and able to come to a speaking event near you 😉

I’m excited to hear how you’re feeling after reading this. Are you inspired, excited…maybe a little bit scared?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and let me know what I can do to cheer you on!

Don’t forget to mark you calendars for the next Poise Purpose Passion Women’s Conference and follow our Facebook page for continued support and inspiration until next year’s event!

ppp 2019

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